Commerce7 Websites
At 5forests, we take Commerce7 websites to the next level with a custom built WordPress integration that will put your winery ahead of the competition. Our deep knowledge of the Commerce7 ecommerce platform (and our years of experience actually building with it) provides wineries with the best option for cutting edge Commerce7 web design.
Whether you need a simple DTC wine shop or a complex online winery solution, you’ll not find an agency more equipped for the challenge than 5forests.

Commerce7 web design with a competitive advantage
If you’re looking for a Commerce7 website that stands out, we’ve got great news for you. Our enhanced integration comes packed with features not found with any other agencies, features we know will set the stage for you to rank better and improve user experience.
This integration is constantly in sync with the Commerce7 API, so changes to your products are rendered on your website instantly, with the added benefits outlined below.
Use WordPress’ built in search functionality to empower users to find products, event tickets, and product collections.
Social sharing
Improve your social shares with full product data and images, created automatically for you.
Faster Google crawling
Our unique integration will ensure Google can crawl your ecommerce data faster than the competition.
Event tickets
Improve the new Event Ticket options in Commerce7 to create a full fledged events calendar, making it easier than ever for customers to find and buy tickets.
Product feeds
Add a catalog of your products to Facebook and Google, enabling you to add your wines directly into Google search results and Facebook and Instagram ads.
Our Commerce7 websites are custom build from the ground up with speed in mind. From optimized servers, custom themes and plugins, to next generation caching, your site will fly.
Search engine optimised
Help search engines and other platforms understand your data with full schema markup and meta tags on all Commerce7 pages.
We build websites that actually follow best practices for accessibility. No band-aid overlay plugins here. Our sites are built to be accessible for real people, tested by real people, because they are used by real people.

On-site Commerce7 product search
The ability to search a website is not only a fundamental user feature, but when you’re talking about an ecommerce site, it’s critical. 5forests is proud to have built a Commerce7 powered website integration with full searching ability, something most (if not all) other Commerce7 sites lack.
Using our custom integration, your customers can now search for their favorite wine right on your website using the built in WordPress search.
With the added benefit of full product searching, the sitelinks search box schema will not only help businesses get a search box on 1st position SERPs, but that search box will actually produce search results relevant to shoppers.

Better social sharing of Commerce7 products
Social media is a key piece of the marketing puzzle for many wineries, and we want to give you all the right tools to succeed. With 5forests, your Commerce7 product pages have full Open Graph information, meaning your products will show an accurate image, title, and description when shared on social media.
On top of that already groundbreaking feature, our implementation automatically creates these specially formatted images for sharing, meaning you will never have to spend the time or money on manually creating your own for each product.
This social sharing data is also available on collection pages and club pages, a first for Commerce7 websites.
Seeing the difference speaks for itself. Wine by nature is a social product, so presenting your products visually and accurately on social media is a critical element of success.

Help Google discover new and updated products faster
In the fast paced world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and marketing, the ability to deliver new and updated products directly to search engines like Google can make or break your digital Direct To Consumer growth.
At 5forests, we believe that every edge in SEO optimisation is worth the effort in such a competitive marketplace. Our implementation uniquely puts all of your product’s content into the source of the page at the server level. What that means is Google sees all of your wine’s product information, from the title to images to the full product details, the very first time they visit the page.
By contrast, on a normal integration, your product page is almost completely empty on Google’s first visit! No product images, no title, no content whatsoever until Google processes the extra code on their second attempt (which can be days or weeks later).

Enhanced Google search results with product specific data
Search engines read a special code called Schema Data on websites to better understand the specific information on web pages. This allows them to provide that extra information directly in the search results (like reviews, price, and availability), which has proven to increase clicks on your results. 5forests’ Commerce7 integration is the only commercially available solution to provide wineries with full ecommerce product schema data.

Customer-oriented event ticket experience
Commerce7’s new Event Ticket add-on allows you to create events as products inside Commerce7. These special products will email a barcode ticket to the customer for easy check in at your event with a supported code scanner.
But what does that look like to a customer? Well, by default, these are just products… no different than wine or merchandise. There is no event calendar, no special ability to filter them, no date display.
At 5forests, we integrate Event Tickets with an event ticket plugin to give your users a better experience on your website. Not only can they still purchase event tickets and wine in the same cart, they can also see an intuitive view of your upcoming events.

We build Commerce7 websites for wineries that stand out above the rest.
Whether you’re looking to migrate to Commerce7, launch your very first ecommerce experience through them, or even if you already have a Commerce7 website and you’re looking to improve it, we can help.